Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 19-20

Went out twice this weekend. Each time about on hour. We had our first snow storm of the year on saturday. I had to show Penner his deer stand, so off we went. No birds, wet from head to toe.

Sunday i went out again, saw 1 grouse,

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 17-18

Went out on Sat to move tree stands, never saw a bird. It was very windy

Went out to county line pond on sunday, saw two birds, got one. Checked my tree stand. Then i went to Tomich road. Only saw 1 grouse and 1 woodcock. The dogs did flush up a huge cock rooster, which was odd.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 16

Went out after work. Last week to do that until next year. Clocks change on sunday.
Saw 6 grouse on south side of creek by parents house. 2 on the north. Ruger pushed the first grouse. He then pointed the 2nd, Scout came in and it flushed. Almost hit me on the trail. I literally ducked down and fell over. I missed it with both shots. Ruger also pointed another couple grouse. I shot 2. the dogs also found a bear den and there were two bears in it.

Also ran to the cabin quick and saw 2 grouse on the ravine. Ruger also pointed and relocated and pointed again on a woodcock.