Friday, September 28, 2012

Getting better

Went out after work thursday night.   Brought Scout and Ruger.  Scout had 2 nice points, 1 on a grouse, 1 on a woodcock.   Ended up with 2 grouse, and 3 woodcocks.   Saw 6 total grouse, more than a dozen woodcocks. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

2nd weekend

Duck hunting opened up Saturday.  Ended up shooting 3 greenheads off the county line pond with Jason and Zachary.  Shot 1 drake wooddock off brevak pond.  

Afternoon with Blaise and his dog Doris.  Ruger bumped some birds, pointed some more, and Doris did awesome.  Ended up with only 3 woodcocks, but saw about a dozen.  1 grouse siting.  Very windy and dry.

Sunday  I walked the entire loop at the cabin and didn't come up with much.   No points, very few woodcocks, and tired dogs.  Hot and dry.  About 60 degrees.  

Also went pond jumping with Larry and scratched 2 grouse, 1 on road, 1 on brevak pond.  No ducks.

Friday, September 21, 2012

2nd Day out

Went out after work to hit the woods. 

Saw 3 grouse at Y's   No shot.  Ruger pushed each of them. 

Went to cabin and pushed 3 more grouse.  Ruger pointed 1,  I missed with both barrels.  Saw a couple woodcocks too.   Woods are still thick and green.

A New Year

A New Year.
Went on the Monday after the season opened.  I was busy during the weekend riding mountain bike.  New cabin is still being built.  Went out past the green gate.  Shot 1 grouse.  Dogs ran around and didn't point anything.  Bumped some woodcocks, and also saw 1 other grouse.