Thursday, October 13, 2011

Went out a bunch of times since my last post.  Went on Thursday the 6th, ran into a couple grouse and woodcock at the cabin.

Saturday the 8th, i went to the Flag River and spent the day in a new spot.  No birds there, then i moved over north or Washburn and got into a couple grouse and some woodcocks.  Very hot day. Hot still in the 80's.  Dogs did not point anything.

Sunday started off with Dan, Herb, and Dennis arriving from maine.  Didn't hunt.  We hunted monday at the cabin.  Overall, between the 4 of us, we had well over 50 flushes.  Lots of woodcock.  I shot 1 grouse, and a couple other woodcocks.  It was very dry in the woods, all the swamps are dry, birds are all in the swamps near any sort of water. 
Tuesday we went to Clam Lake Area.  The day was productive, we ended up with 3 grouse, and around 8 woodcocks.  Scout pointed a couple different birds during the day.  Ruger had 1 point.  Scout is working alot better in the heat though.  Still hot, around 80 degrees.
Wednesday we went to Brule Area.  Lots of woodcocks in the slash north of the cabin.  Dan saw the most, about a dozen or so.  Everyone saw birds.  I shot a grouse and 3 woodcocks.  Dogs pointed, but they are very tired in the heat.

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